How to calculate experience from the date of joining in Excel?

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In the professional world, calculating the experience of employees or individuals based on their date of joining is a common requirement. 

Whether you’re an HR professional, a manager, or simply interested in tracking your own professional journey, Excel provides a powerful tool to accurately calculate experience. 

In this article, we will guide you through the steps on how to calculate experience from the date of joining in Excel.

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Step 1: Gather the Required Information

To begin, you need to gather the necessary information. You will need the date of joining for each individual or employee whose experience you want to calculate. 

Ensure that the date format is consistent across all entries, as this will help streamline the calculation process.

Note: Use the Experience Calculator to calculate your experience.

Step 2: Format the Date of Joining

In Excel, dates are stored as numbers. To accurately calculate experience, it’s essential to format the date of joining correctly. 

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select the column containing the date of joining.
  2. Right-click and choose “Format Cells.”
  3. In the Format Cells select the dialog box, and select the “Date” category.
  4. Choose the desired date format and click “OK.”

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Step 3: Calculate Experience in Years

Now that the date of joining is correctly formatted, you can proceed to calculate the experience in years. Here’s how:

  1. Create a new column next to the date of the joining column.
  2. In the first cell of the new column (e.g., B2), enter the following formula: “=YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(A2)” (assuming the date of joining is in column A and the first entry starts from row 2).
  3. Press Enter to calculate the experience in years for the first employee.
  4. Click on the cell containing the calculated result, and drag the fill handle down to apply the formula to the remaining cells in the column.

Step 4: Calculate Experience in Months and Days

To obtain a more detailed calculation of experience, you may want to calculate the months and days in addition to years. Follow these steps:

  1. Create two new columns next to the existing columns.
  2. In the first cell of the month’s column (e.g., C2), enter the formula: “=IF(MONTH(TODAY())<MONTH(A2), MONTH(TODAY())+12-MONTH(A2), MONTH(TODAY())-MONTH(A2))”.
  3. Press Enter to calculate the experience in months for the first employee.
  4. Click on the cell containing the calculated result, and drag the fill handle down to apply the formula to the remaining cells in the column.
  5. In the first cell of the day’s column (e.g., D2), enter the formula: “=IF(DAY(TODAY())<DAY(A2), DAY(TODAY())+30-DAY(A2), DAY(TODAY())-DAY(A2))”.
  6. Press Enter to calculate the experience in days for the first employee.
  7. Click on the cell containing the calculated result, and drag the fill handle down to apply the formula to the remaining cells in the column.

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Step 5: Display the Experience

By default, Excel displays decimal values for years, months, and days. To present the experience in a more user-friendly format, you can format the cells accordingly. Here’s how:

  1. Select the entire column containing the experience calculations (years, months, and days).
  2. Right-click and choose “Format Cells.”
  3. In the Format Cells dialog box, select the “Number” category.
  4. Choose the desired formatting option (e.g., “0 years, 0 months, 0 days”) and click “OK.”

Step 6: Calculate Total Experience

If you want to calculate the total experience in a single cell, you can use the SUM function. Here’s how:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the total experience.
  2. Enter the formula “=SUM(B2:D2)” (assuming the years, months, and days are in columns B, C, and D, and the first entry starts from row 2).
  3. Press Enter to calculate the total experience.


Calculating experience from the date of joining Excel is a straightforward process that can be achieved by following the steps outlined in this article. 

By using the appropriate date formatting and applying simple formulas, you can accurately track and present the experience of individuals in a professional setting. 

Excel’s versatility makes it a valuable tool for HR professionals, managers, and individuals who wish to keep track of their professional growth.